
Office of the Vorarlberg Provincial Government - Uniform Data Warehouse for All Areas
Lindau – For larger companies with many different departments, uniform operational reporting is indispensable.

Actinium for successful reports Actinium Consulting
Actinium Consulting has identified five typical weaknesses associated with reports. These are often not designed according to the needs of the addressees, but too much according to formal criteria.

BI market consolidation unsettles customers
The strong consolidation movements in the market for business intelligence software have ensured that customers do not want to decide at all for the time being.

Business Intelligence for Navision users in just a few days
Without long projects, users of the ERP system Navision can use a preset business intelligence solution from the management consultancy Actinium.

Sebastian Köffer von Siemens ist deutscher BI-Meister
Sebastian Köffer from SIS (right) showed everyone. Er nimmt von Actinium-Chef Klaus Hüttl die Urkunde entgegen: BI-Champion 2010

Digitization trend should focus on business process optimization - Actinium: Company-wide strategy framework instead of own-initiative...
Lindau – Actinium Consulting: Discussion on digital transformation is too focused on new digital business models

Actinium with tips for optimizing migration projects
Lindau – The migration of IT solutions usually places very high technical and organizational demands on a company, and new knowledge must also be built up or transferred via external service providers.

7 tips for selecting BI solutions
With the right business intelligence strategy can open new growth opportunities in companies and guarantee them in the long term. But when selecting BI solutions, one should consider the following aspects.

Seven golden rules for selecting BI solutions
In various studies it is shown that users of business intelligence solutions are subsequently dissatisfied with their choice of product for various reasons. But it does not have to come so far.

Join us in welcoming our new partner Actinium. The consulting company from Lindau on Lake Constance formed with decades of experience and the extensive knowledge of IT specialists and business experts quickly to a well-known, manufacturer-independent consulting firm for individual solutions in the field of business intelligence, business integration and business processes.

Actinium relies on partnership with IDL for CPM
Consulting firm Actinium adds new IDL product and solution suite for reporting, planning, consolidation and related topics to portfolio Cooperation opens up further competencies in the Microsoft environment for IDL.

FELTEN and Actinium Consulting cooperate on Production Intelligence
The FELTEN Group with its platform “PILOT Suite” and the consulting firm Actinium will cooperate in the future in various business areas in the field of Production Intelligence.

Uncover the weaknesses of the BI infrastructure with a fitness check
Fields of application for business intelligence have recently expanded significantly
On the one hand, the demands of companies on business intelligence (BI) solutions are growing continuously, and on the other hand, BI systems are opening up more and more new possibilities of analysis and support.

Typical barriers to success in software projects
According to Actinium Consulting’s experience, companies regularly have to invest a great deal of effort in reworking their new or modified software solutions because a wide range of problems become apparent during productive operation.

Frequently erroneous paths towards BI
According to the study of more than 200 BI users, almost two-thirds state that they have found the previous BI measures more difficult than average. 41 percent even describe the degree of difficulty as “very high”. Only a quarter of the companies has experienced the implementation of business intelligence strategies free of extraordinary requirements.

Performance control: business processes are without supervision
Although the quality demands on business processes have recently risen continuously, companies are only reluctantly devoting themselves to a systematic performance control of the processes.

Actinium Consulting: Tips against too nebulous IT costs
Lindau – In view of the continuously rising IT complexity in the enterprises, the danger grows according to the observations of the Actinium Consulting that the traditionally usually small overview with the IT costs decreases still further.

Digitizing without new integration hurdles
The discussion on digital transformation is too focused on new digital business models, criticizes Klaus Hüttl, Managing Director of Actinium Consulting GmbH. He recommends a company-wide strategy framework that brings together the currently observable own initiatives of the business units in a meaningful way.

Plastics processing market leader optimizes cross-national reporting - ALPLA: Measurably more control thanks to Actinium Consulting Lindau
Lindau/Lake Constance – Companies that operate internationally
are dependent on uniform reporting standards if they
want to optimally control their various locations and thus act flexibly in global competition

Significant cost savings through efficient change management system
According to the findings in practice, the use of the change management system “CMDB Warehouse” causes significant cost savings simply because maintenance contracts for unused legacy systems and overlicensing for software solutions are detected directly.

Need for optimization in corporate reporting
Lindau – A new study by Actinium Consulting on the effectiveness of reports has revealed: Many business managers rate corporate reports as very much in need of optimization. Support quality of reports for decision-making processes is considered sufficient by only 58 percent.

The acid test for the BI industry
During the crisis, users are turning to business intelligence (BI). From this, companies expect above all a transparent database, which helps them to control the business in a difficult economic situation. At the same time, however, the deficits of BI software become more apparent.

Airline InterSky Luftfahrt secures market position through automated reports
Lindau/Lake Constance – The aviation market is fiercely competitive: airlines are vying for passengers with low prices and are under intense competitive pressure.